Is The Antibiotic Resistance Crisis Being Made Worse?
An article appeared in The Guardian on 10th July 2021, describing how antibiotic resistant bacteria in raw dog food could pass to humans.
I have several comments to make about this article. It targets raw dog food, but the pet foods most frequently recalled due to pathogen contamination, such as Salmonella, are in fact, dried pet foods.
The pharmaceutical industry has even licensed Enterococcus faecalis for use as a probiotic for dogs and cats. Needless to say, I do not use this potentially dangerous bacterium in PET Plus!
Antibiotics in the Food Chain
The raw pet food industry does not tolerate bacterial contamination. The deep freezing part of the process is designed to denature any potential pathogens. On the other hand, people who prepare and eat meat and fish expose themselves to antibiotic resistant bacteria every time they touch raw flesh or body parts.
How can we protect ourselves and our pets from these dangerous superbugs?
This is because animal farming for the meat, fish, egg and dairy industries uses antibiotics too liberally. They even using them as growth promoters. This induces the bacteria they are designed to kill, to instead adapt and survive. This means that despite being treated with an antibiotic, the bacteria donât die and then become resistant to antibiotics.
Bacteria reproduce very quickly and so the survivors of the antibiotic onslaught reproduce with impunity. We have thus created some amazingly resistant superbugs.
How To Protect Ourselves and Pets from Superbugs?
Organic farming is the exception to this as they are not allowed to abuse the use of antibiotics. How can we protect ourselves and our pets from these superbugs? We must strengthen our immunity so that our bodies can respond quickly and effectively to any invaders without needing to resort to the use of drugs like antibiotics, which only make the situation worse.
It’s also important to avoid contact with industrial farming products (virtually anything that is not organic!). So how do we do this?
Guess what? The entire family, including pets, need healthy lifestyles (see my article on healthy lifestyles for cats and dogs). We need to eat a raw, living, vegan food diet ourselves and we must also feed raw food to our pets.
Raw Dog Food Is Best
Clearly, organic is best, but if that’s not an option, donât worry, just feed raw! And what you feed does not need to be dead animal flesh either! I feed my extremely healthy carnivorous pets on raw, living vegan food now. The cat of course hunts his own and I do give him raw organic eggs sometimes. I think he scavenges too, so goodness only knows what his entire intake is. But the vast majority of his food is raw and vegan.
Adding PET Plus to pet food provides all the nutrients needed to support a healthy immune system as well. Of course! The benefits of close contact with healthy, raw fed dogs and cats far outweigh any potential scares of superbug invasions. It’s such fun to be able to enjoy a healthy pet without the constant worry of frequent vet visits, medications and sadness endured by those with unhealthy pets.
Dogs Improve Our Health
There have been numerous studies revealing that families with close contact to the family dog have a much more robust immune system than pet-free families. Also remember, the super-strong acidity in the stomach of healthy raw-ed carnivores is designed to inactivate pathogenic bacteria. So they are very unlikely to pass on anything horrible from their food. Itâs only the people handling any raw dead animal parts that need to be careful.
The WHO classes antibiotic resistance as one of the greatest public health threats facing humanity.
The Guardian
Weakened Immune Systems
I disagree with the WHO statement quoted in the Guardian, that said The WHO classes antibiotic resistance as one of the greatest public health threats facing humanity. In fact, there are many threats facing humanity and one of them is our weakened immune systems which are unable to respond appropriately to potentially pathogenic organisms.
Unhealthy lifestyle choices that we inflict upon ourselves and our pets are the cause of the poor health of humans and all the animals associated with humans. Sadly, we humans have extended our polluting activities into the atmosphere, so even wild animals are now suffering. We absolutely have to change our ways now, for the sake of all life on earth.