Common Cat Health Problems, Dog Health Problems, Vegan Pets

Health Promoting Lifestyles for Dogs and Cats

Sunset over tropical landscape with silhouette palm trees.

Table of Contents

Nature has it all worked out! So let’s get as close to nature as we (meaning all animals and humans) can!

Where Does The Energy On The Planet Come From?

Mostly the sun.

How Do We Access That Energy?

We access energy by exposing our skin and fur to the sun and by gazing at the early morning and late afternoon sun. We also absorb the universal energy and wisdom brought by the photons which are expelled from the sun and travel to earth at the speed of light! Yes, we can use the energy directly from the sun too.

All energy on the planet derives from the sun. Whether that be food we eat today, or the oil we burn from pre-history.

Plants are especially efficient at converting the sun’s energy into carbohydrates, proteins and fats by photosynthesis. Animals eat the plants and gain energy. Other animals eat these animals and so it goes on. But every time there is a transfer of energy, at least 10% is lost. So from sun to plant, we lose 10%, from plant to animal, we lose another 10% and so on.

Energy is lost as it is moves from one repository to another – be that sun to plant, or to sun to plant to animal.

We also need to consider the source of the nutrients that are fed to the animals we eat/feed to our pets. If they are pasture fed, they eat the products of photosynthesis directly from the ground.

If they are factory farmed or given “concentrates” to eat, their food has used up a lot of energy before it even reaches the herbivore. It’s farmed (fields are prepared, seeds sown, fertilized, sprayed with pesticides and herbicides), harvested, dried, processed, milled, bagged, transported, in an energy intensive environment with automated watering, feeding and machines used to clean the floors, if they are lucky.

Factory farming is wasteful and a key contributor to climate change

Then, after this miserable existence, they are transported in a lorry to the slaughterhouse, terrified, starved in concrete pens for 24 hours then pushed and shoved through a chute to be slaughtered.

Apart from the crazy waste of energy, what can be right about treating one type of animal so dreadfully in order to feed the favoured ones, our pets? It’s a difficult question and one I have wrestled with for decades. I used to say that I had never seen a healthy vegan dog or cat. But I have learned differently now.

Dogs are more adaptable than cats, being scavengers and hunters. I used to think cats were obligate carnivores, but they too can be scavengers! We all aim to survive, but it’s better to thrive!

I firmly believe that all food should be raw, whichever species it is for, so humans, dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes … everything.

So How Do We Reconcile These Points Of View?

Here are some possible solutions, which can be combined…

  • Making our own protein-rich raw vegan food for ourselves and our pets is the best option, with Pet Plus as an all-in-one supplement.
  • Feeding our pets wild animals who are killed quickly, without fear in their natural environment.
  • Feeding our pets pasture fed herbivores, slaughtered humanely, but I think this is not available in UK.
  • Feeding insects and grubs. These are farmed and usually processed, but arguably more ethical and sustainable than intensively farmed animals. Here, the cats and dogs feast on the huge and numerous insects that inhabit this rainforest!
  • Adding PET Plus to any foods helps to fill in the gaps!

Raw Vegan Food Suggestions

When I left the UK, I decided to live freely and planned to have no animals to look after. But after a few months of travelling, I stayed in one place, felt settled, bought a farm and then a sweet kitten arrived and stayed. So I said ‘OK, you can stay as long as you are happy to be vegan’. And he has stayed for 5 months so far. I am sure other people feed him too, so I can’t say he is vegan! But he loves the following vegan foods!

Ideas for feeding your pets, more sustainable, cruelty-free vegan food

  • Avocado flesh (not the stone and skin as they are toxic, but animals have the intuitive sense not to eat it)
  • Tomato, cucumber, courgette … when I am cutting these, he loves to eat the seed filled middle
  • Papaya, banana, sapote and all sorts of fruits.
  • Soaked raw nuts like walnut, almond, cashew, pistachio, pecan, brazil: they must be soaked first for at least 4 hours to remove the enzyme inhibitors from the skin and to activate the germination process and the stored energy. Discard the soak water which will be brown.
  • Soaked, rinsed nuts blended in water to make delicious nut milk. Here, I use a lot of coconut flesh to make coconut milk. Dogs and cats love to eat coconut! They queue up when they hear me crack one open!
  • Chia porridge is quick, nutritious, protein rich and the main meal for my cat. Pour some nut milk into a bowl. Add PET Plus and chia seeds. Mix it all up and gradually, the seeds absorb the liquid to make a porridge. I sometimes add flaxseeds and sunflower seeds to give variety. You can add all sorts of other flavours too!

This mixture also forms the basis of biscuits and crackers. Cats and dogs like a bit of crunch too! Make them into little piles on a dehydrator sheet to dry them at less than 42 degrees C for a few days. Above this temperature the enzymes are denatured and the biscuits are cooked!

I also make these crackers using blended red peppers, (no onions as they’re toxic), a little garlic, lemon juice, basil and Tamari, with some activated nuts as the liquid instead of nut milk. When I open the dehydrator to move them onto the mesh from the dehydrator sheet or to check them, Ziggy is desperate to eat some!

So, get creative! Mix these protein rich options with blended green leafy vegetables and PET Plus to be sure you have the full spectrum of nutrients.

Every vegan meal you give to yourselves, your dogs and cats saves more farm animals from their desperate lives. It also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and all that climate change stuff!


Ideally, fresh, chemical-free (filtered or glass bottled), moving (to energize it) water will be freely available, easily accessible and fresh every day. Often, a thirsty animal will not eat, so always ensure everyone has water. Best to drink at least 30 minutes before eating as water in the stomach dilutes the digestive enzymes and slows digestion.

Water is rapidly absorbed by the stomach. After eating, it’s best not to drink for at least 2 hours as food takes at least 2 hours to leave the stomach and move into the small intestine.

Electro Magnetic Frequencies EMF

There is a growing amount of evidence showing the dangers of these invisible and very useful EMFs. We need to adopt various strategies to reduce our exposure without having to deny ourselves the pleasure of using them!

EMFs are emitted and used by mobile phones, computers, WiFi, smart meters, all electric cables and electric goods. We need to reduce our exposure to these cell disrupting energies by:

  • Turn off everything electrical at the wall as soon as you stop using it.
  • Turn off mobile phones or put them on airplane mode when you’re not using them.
  • Keep pets away from the WiFi  in your house. My dogs used to lie on my feet under my desk under the WiFi router. Bad idea, but we didn’t know then what we know now.
  • Use dLAN Duo (from Amazon or equivalent) to provide access to the internet in cables throughout the house. Better than WiFi, but far from perfect!
  • Remove any smart meters and any remotely operated electrical equipment.
  • At the very least, turn it all off every night.

Use various crystals around the house to absorb the EMF. Shungite even claims to convert EMFs into Infra Red healing frequencies. Wear EMF protectors and put them on your dog’s collar. More of a challenge with cats as collars and cats are a dangerous combination.

Have the EMF absorbed by crystals

Cats hang themselves, get their front leg stuck and get caught by their collars. I have operated on countless cats to stitch their front leg back on where the collar has worn through the skin and muscle in the ‘arm pit’

Healing Hands

Tender loving care is one of the most important ingredients in the overall health and well being of us all. And our dearly beloved pets are very sensitive to our feelings. So when ailing, trust yourself to give healing to your pets. Follow your instinct and know the positive loving energy is flowing through your hands and being well received. When they’ve had enough, they generally move away. Massage where you feel is the best place. You know your pets much better than any professional!

Avoid Chemicals And Drugs

I advise using herbal and homoeopathic treatments for everything. If you follow all the advice above, you are unlikely to need anything more, but stuff happens, then antibiotics are the last resort! The key with natural treatments is to use them at the very first sign that something is wrong.

If you ignore this, more drastic interventions could be necessary. And if your vet says you’re worrying over nothing, go somewhere else. Find a naturopathic, sympathetic, intelligent, intuitive vet!


There are numerous natural methods including Diatomaceous Earth, Verm-x, garlic, essential oils (be careful…)


Fleas are rarely a problem in raw-fed pets who are also on Pet Plus. But if they are a problem, Diatomaceous Earth, garlic, essential oils (be careful….) are effective. Need to do the whole house with thorough vacuum cleaning, and sprinkle salt everywhere to break the flea, egg, larvae, flea lifecycle. No need for chemicals as salt desiccates and kills the flea larvae.

Household chemicals are toxic, cause numerous allergies and are unnecessary. There are loads of natural alternatives, but the best is to do what our great grandparents did. Use elbow grease! Use only natural fibres, avoiding nylon and all those petrochemical derivatives. They ‘off gas’ all the time, filling our environments with toxic gases and weakening our systems. Bad idea!

Vaccinations Are Not Immunizations!

To immunize, expose the young to another that is infected. Then the youngster will be exposed to a tiny amount of one disease and will mount a decent, lifelong, normal immune response with no side effects, no toxic chemicals, no need for boosters etc etc! The time to do this is after the maternal immunity has waned, so normally, after 12 weeks.

There is no sense in vaccinating anything less than 12 weeks old because the maternal immunity prevents the vaccine from working. So the maternal immunity also protects the young from infection.

PET Plus supports and enhances the immune system

That is the point. So there’s no need to isolate the young! Expose them asap so they can be socialised with the backup of maternal immunity. Best to do this in an unvaccinated population because vaccinated animals shed various unnatural viruses from the vaccine. Not normal viruses, but manufactured viruses. And these interfere with the immune response by distracting it from any real viruses and other microbes.

The best option is to feed raw with PET Plus to support and enhance the immune system. And follow all the guidance above.

And remember … our pets are smaller than us so they are less able to deal with any toxins.