Pet Obesity

Why Use A Water Filter?

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I always advise that pets (and humans) should drink filtered water that has been filtered.

Whole House Filters

I use a simple granular activated carbon filter which filters all the water in the house. I used to have a smaller version that fitted under the sink, but decided it’s better to be able to drink from all taps in the house and to bathe and shower in chemical free water.

I bought it from AirEau Fittings Ltd in Bordon and buy the annual replacement cartridge from them too, sending the used one back for re-use. They are very helpful people and post the filters out by courier. I don’t use the alkalizing Kangen water filtration set up you’ll see promoted everywhere. Neutral pH water is fine, as in nature.

I also put a Vortex Energizer around the mains inlet pipe to re-energize the water. This link takes you to a most fascinating website!

Why Filter Water?

Firstly, the granular activated carbon removes the chemicals from the water. The bigger the surface area of the carbon bed, the more effectively the chemicals are removed. Many people use little jug filters. These are certainly better than nothing, but have an extremely small carbon bed so can’t possibly remove as much chemical contamination as the carbon bed within bigger, plumbed-in filters.

Secondly, having removed the chemicals, it’s a great idea to energise the water again. So, in nature, water is moving all the time and is never restricted by going through a straight pipe! Naturally, all fluids move in a spiral motion, even including our blood running through blood vessels. In an attempt to mimic nature, The Centre For Implosion Research has created several bits of equipment to help, including the Vortex Energiser.

In a natural environment, animals drink from springs, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, puddles … all living, moving water. The puddles might look dirty, but it’s clean dirt which the body can deal with, not chemicals, which it can’t.

Where Do The Chemicals We Consume, Go?

They are stored in fat in all animals, including fish and birds, as well as mammals like us. So avoid fish oils and animal fats completely, especially if you cook them. A bit of raw fat in the raw meat we feed our carnivorous pets is OK, but I wouldn’t feed great lumps of fat …

I often joke that there are no fat pets or people, just a lot of toxic ones!