In my last blog post, I discussed how I treated my dog’s Haemolytic Anaemia. She was on medication in total for only four weeks, including two weeks when the dosage was gradually reduced. Most dogs with Haemolytic Anaemia have to stay on cortisone and Azathioprine for many months. Some have a relapse as soon as the medication stops, so have to stay on these drugs for life.
It is now ten days since my dog’s last cortisone tablet, so I decided it was time to do a blood test to see if she really has recovered so incredibly quickly.
It is good news. Her blood count was normal. I was so relieved! As she has made such a rapid and complete recovery from this life-threatening illness and had virtually no side effects from the drugs, I thought you’d like to know what I did in addition to the short spell of the conventional drug-based treatment.
What Did I Do Differently?
I used a combination of conventional and naturopathic or complementary treatments and supported her with natural, raw food and clean, chemical free water.
The vast majority of people feed their pets on processed food which is by definition unnatural and therefore more difficult for the body to deal with. When anyone is critically ill, they need instant access to perfect nutrients with as little effort as possible. Every extra bit of work the body has to do to access those nutrients and convert them into something usable is valuable energy wasted. The energy would be better spent on repair and recovery!
Raw food is so much easier to digest and provides unadulterated nutrients which can rapidly be put to good use. Processing destroys enzymes which are necessary for digesting, absorbing and using the food. So the pancreas has to create new enzymes which uses up a lot of energy. Adding PET Plus provides those enzymes so that at least takes the load off the very energy expensive enzyme production system and makes the food more accessible.
In any case, there is no condition which benefits from poor nutrition!
We have a whole house water filter which removes the chemicals like chlorine from our water supply. This clean water is then more readily available to the body as it doesn’t need to deal with the chemicals first. Wasting the body’s energy detoxifying and eliminating chemicals reduces the amount of energy available for healing and repair.
Again, anyone who’s critically ill cannot afford to throw energy away on unnecessary tasks.We also magnetize and energize our water so that it is more like the water we would naturally drink from a stream.
The Great Outdoors
Every day, I took Rocky out for a gentle stroll in the forest. She hadn’t the energy to go running about at all, but Floss kept her entertained chasing the frisbee, which I also threw to Rocky so she could have the pleasure of catching it too! Sunlight, fresh air, soil and grass underfoot, birds singing. Who knows exactly what these natural elements offer, but they so obviously raise all our spirits which can only be a good thing.
Nutritional Supplements
PET Plus for Dogs was the main nutritional support as it provides everything nature prescribed!
Aloe Vera is a very useful anti-inflammatory and provides many nutrients; I only use it as a treatment as none of us are designed to eat its leaves as part of our daily diet!
Omega 3 is present in the PET Plus, but in Rocky’s situation, extra flax seed oil could help with the stabilisation and repair of cell membranes, especially of her red blood cells.
Samylin contains Milk Thistle and SAMe, both of which help the liver and probably the red blood cell membranes too.
Probiotics are present in vast numbers in the PET Plus, but because she was on antibiotics for a week, I felt it might help to give her even more.
Wheat grass is also in the PET Plus, but again I thought in her critical condition, giving her some extra would be a good idea. It can help with the production of haemoglobin and the regeneration of red blood cells.
Rest, Healing Blanket and TLC!
When we are resting, our bodies are busy with healing and repair, tasks which cannot be performed thoroughly while we are awake and active. Rocky spent a lot of time asleep either curled up in her bed or in the Healing Blanket.
Floss or one of the cats often lay with her which must have been comforting. I’m sure emotional well-being is at least as important as all the other treatments.
Homoeopathy And Cranial Osteopathy
When I found the right homoeopathic remedy for Rocky, I saw a change within minutes of giving it to her. That was certainly one of the factors in her turning the corner and starting to recover. Later on, the cranial osteopathy also had a dramatic effect as her recovery seemed to have reached a plateau.
Straight after the treatment, she was much more energetic and had pinker gums, a good sign of improving circulation. When we went for our gentle stroll in the woods, she actually ran after the frisbee, which she hadn’t done for three weeks.
In Summary
The beauty of complementary therapies is that they work with the body’s natural healing abilities and have no deleterious side effects. At the very least, these treatments can do no harm and at their best, they can do a vast amount of good. I really don’t understand why the medical profession as a whole has failed to embrace these healing modalities with open arms!