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Can You Give Paracetamol To Cats?

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Cats And Paracetamol

Can cats take paracetamol? What is the correct paracetamol dosage for cats? These are questions that get asked all the time and the answers are emphatically no and none.

You should never give paracetamol to cats.

Acetaminophen poisoning is very common in cats as owners try to mediate animals without first seeking professional advice.

Even if your car appears to be in pain, cats should never be given paracetamol because it is toxic to cats.

Cats are even extremely sensitive to Paracetamol, so it should never be given to cats under any circumstances.

Please make sure to never give any drug containing paracetamol (or its proper name, acetaminophen) to your cat.

What Are The Signs of Paracetamol Poisoning in Cats?

A cat may die after ingesting paracetamol – this can happen within 24 to 36 hours of taking it. Otherwise they may experience

  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Drooling
  • Blue gums and lips
  • Swollen face
  • Blood in urine

If your cat has ingested any paracetamol, you must get them to a veterinary centre immediately as they will need for life saving treatment. If they survive, your quick actions, getting them to the vet might prevent long term liver and kidney damage.

Activated charcoal or clay can help in a crisis where a cat has ingested paracetamol!

You can give them them some activated charcoal or clay to adsorb or draw out the toxin in the stomach which will reduce the amount that can be absorbed into the blood.

This action is urgent, as the toxin will be absorbed into the blood within about 20 minutes. Paracetamol’s fast action is the reason why paracetamol is such a fast pain relief solution for people.

It is extremely dangerous to give a cat any human painkillers, although a qualified veterinary surgeon may decide to prescribe human medication in very specific circumstances. Vets have knowledge of the drug’s effects and side effects.

Even if your pet is in pain, do not be tempted to give any human painkillers as they are extremely likely to be toxic to cats and other animals.

For more information, check the Pet Poison Helpline website and read about the dangers of paracetamol.

A Near Squeak For Cyrus

I know of one pet that survived being mistakenly given paracetamol (Ibuprofen) by his well-meaning owner. He was a cat called Cyrus.

He had been on a 100% raw food diet for many years. Having recently moved house, he was involved in a ferocious cat fight and developed 2 large abscesses.

His owner gave him what she thought was an antibiotic tablet. But 2 days later, as his health was rapidly deteriorating, she realized it was Ibuprofen.

The veterinarian kept Cyrus in the hospital for 2 days on intravenous fluids and a cocktail of drugs as his kidneys were deteriorating. But the vet refused to offer him anything other than dry ‘kidney diet’ kibble, which he wouldn’t eat, so she brought Cyrus home.

At home, feeding Cyrus a little and often on raw food with Pet Plus for Cats and carefully syringing filtered water into his mouth hourly, he made a remarkable recovery in 4 days.

I suspect that if he hadn’t been raw fed and taken Pet Plus for Cats and had such a devoted, loving owner, his kidneys would never have recovered.

Why Might Your Cat Be Unwell?

There are many reasons your cat may not be well, but some of the common ones that can lead to the misuse of paracetamol are preventable lifestyle errors brought about by eating the wrong kind of food.


If your cat is dehydrated it could be because they are not drinking enough chemical free water and eating dried foods, like kibble. These can result in pain. To avoid this, filter all your cat’s water, and feed raw food.


Eating sugar and processed carbohydrate can cause inflammation and inflammation causes pain. So do not feed cat with processed carbohydrate-rich food.

Omega 3 Deficiency

Lack of omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) combined with an excess of omega 6 is commonly associated with pain and inflammation.

Electromagnetic Frequencies

Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and many chemicals are alien to the body and cause irritation. This can cause inflammation and pain, so it’s best to avoid them.


Fevers are often mistakenly seen as undesirable and can be reduced by paracetamol. In reality, the body produces a fever to speed up the immune system’s ability to deal with invaders, like bacteria and viruses.

Reducing the temperature can slow the immune response and turns an acute illness into a long and chronic one.

Prevent The Causes Of Disease

So in summary, if you

  1. feed your cat as nature intended with BARF
  2. provide a fresh and plentiful supply of chemical free water every day
  3. minimize exposure to EMFs and chemicals
  4. love your cat unconditionally,

there is unlikely to be any use for drugs like paracetamol.